in full case senario status. then below the ween of the 11m triangles with
out faulting the check.
9492 total faces in collision resivior times 4 objects (just boxes) to be
check against resivior (and are included in resivior) times 292 calls to the
check any one triangle against 4 objects totaling 37968 triangles equals
about or short of a grand of 11086656 triangles siffted through at a rate
showing about 25 frames persecond equates to 277,166,400 million traingle
checks in the single senario but usualy shorted where collision is found but
never the same in according.
the forystek function culling leaves remaining 6,197,408 triangles equating
to 154,935,200 for 25 frames in a a second, averaging in dropping nearly
about half the stack to be siffted through and still exacting the collision
results usual